This information is out of date as of 28/03/24. For up-to-date information please visit: Sustainability | Vanquis Banking Group plc (LSE: VANQ)

Below you'll find the key reductions in our carbon footprint, how we've tackled offsetting our carbon footprint in the office and what some of our colleagues had to say about climate change. 

In support of the UK Green Finance Strategy, we've set out our ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

We've undertaken a review of our environmental targets and determined that we’ll need to achieve deeper emissions reductions that align with climate science and the rules governing the setting of science-based targets, while enabling us to deliver our commercial objectives. To help us track our performance, we’ll develop and publish a science-based reduction target and other related targets during 2021 that will enable us to realise our net-zero ambitions which we will continue to update on. 

Click here to read and learn more about how climate change may impact Vanquis Banking Group and how we're looking to meet the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.


Reducing our carbon footprint: This year's stats


reduction in our total scope 1 and 2 (and associated scope 3) emissions


reduction in our paper usage


reduction in the  number of miles colleagues drive on business


 reduction in our  total reported water emissions 


reduction in our total gas usage


reduction in air travel mileage

Reducing our Carbon Footprint in the Office

Over the course of the last few years, we've taken steps to be more environmentally conscious, and friendly across the Group, introducing working groups across Vanquis Banking Group who focus on identifying and taking action where we can to be more sustainable. 

These groups have helped us to reduce our impact on the environment by trialling the use of reusable cups in our Bradford office; ensuring the recycling bins are in place across every floor and encouraging adherence to our paperless policy so that we only print if absolutely necessary and reduce our overall paper usage. 


Colleagues on Climate Change 

"Lower emissions, happier planet"

I'm sure lockdown has contributed to the fall in the figures for 2020, with the lack of cars on the road and home working. But how amazing would it be if we could keep on this path of lower emissions? We do our bit here and there at home. For example, we've moved to bamboo toothbrushes to help reduce plastic waste. Every little helps - and we should be thinking like this at work too.

"We should be doing everything we can"

The fact that we've been able to reduce our footprint by so much this year, much of it down to covid restrictions, yet still be able to work well and be more productive, really should make us think about the future of work and how sustainable we can actually be as a whole. From reducing emissions by working at home, to recycling more and reducing consumption of single use products we have a great opportunity to make our home and working lives more sustainable.

Cathy Prior, Vanquis Banking Group colleague