We publish regular updates and data regarding our environmental, social and governance (ESG). Vanquis Banking Group engages with independent ratings agencies who assess our ESG performance against other companies and organisations.

  • CDP – We have been disclosing to the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) since 2006. Our most recent submission demonstrates we have knowledge of our impacts on climate change and of climate change issues more broadly.
  • FTSE4Good Index – We have been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for 16 years.
  • Institutional Shareholder Services ESG (ISS ESG) – In 2023, we continued to maintain our ‘Prime’ status with this world-leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions. This means we fulfil ISS ESG’s demanding requirements regarding sustainability performance in our sector. 


We’re committed to sharing information on our sustainability performance, alongside our financial performance, with the investment community by responding to the key ESG surveys and sustainability assessments. Doing this reflects our longstanding commitment to providing responsible and sustainable products and services that help put people on a path to a better everyday life, while responding to climate change, inclusion and diversity, mental health and wellbeing, and other urgent issues of our time. 

Rob Lawson, Head of Sustainability