Privacy Notice

Data Protection legislation (which includes the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) places obligations on Vanquis Banking Group plc in relation to the way that we handle your personal information. We must process your information fairly and lawfully. This also means you are entitled to know how we intend to use your information. You can then decide whether or not you want to give it to us so that we can process it for the purpose required. All our employees are responsible for maintaining customer confidentiality. We provide training to all our colleagues to remind them about their obligations. In addition our policies and procedures are regularly audited and reviewed.

The identity of the controller and their contact details

Your information will be held by Vanquis Banking Group which includes other group companies such as Vanquis Bank Ltd and Moneybarn Ltd. The group also includes Cheque Exchange Ltd, a money transfer company. More information on the Vanquis Banking Group can be found on this website in the "Our Businesses" section.

The identity of the Data Protection Officer

Vanquis Banking Group has a Data Protection Officer to ensure that your personal data is being treated fairly and lawfully and is protected at all times. If you need to contact the DPO please email, write to The Rights Request Team, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135.

What personal data we process

In general, you can use this website without giving us any information. However, additional services may be available if we have certain information about you. We only collect the data we need to provide you with the service you require. In most cases this will mean that we are processing personal data such as:

1.       Your Name, Email and Profession to enable you to take advantage of Email News

2.    Where we use cookies, information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experiences with our products and contact preferences in order to provide you with further correspondence about our products and services.

Where you apply for a role via the Careers page a separate Privacy Notice advises what and how your personal data is processed.

Where we obtain your personal data from

Your personal information will be held securely so that we and any other companies in the Vanquis Banking Group that you have dealings with (either now or in the future) can manage your relationship with us/them. We only process information that you have supplied to us as part of your website experience or if you sign up to any of the direct communication offers such as Email News.

Why we process your data

We use this information to provide you with a better service, and, in particular, for the following reasons:

1.       to provide answers to your questions asked via the website

2.    for internal record keeping to improve the content of the website

3.    to obtain feedback from you about our corporate responsibility programme

4.   to notify you about the updates to the website

5.    to customise the content and/or layout of the website for each individual user

6.   to provide you with copies of our publications which you subscribe to via our website

7.    to respond to your media queries about us

8.   to direct you to the Vanquis Banking Group careers site

The Vanquis Banking Group companies as outlined above will share your information amongst each other for the following administrative activities where we have a legitimate business need:

a.   Managing your relationship with each company

b.   Responding to your queries and complaints.

c.    Updating, consolidating and improving the accuracy of our records by sharing any updates to your personal data

d.   Where we want to share with market research companies to help us understand how we can improve our products and service offered to you.

Recording phone calls

We will undertake this processing under a legitimate business interest. We may monitor or record phone calls with you in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions properly, to resolve queries or issues, for regulatory purposes, to help improve our quality or service and to help prevent or detect fraud or other crimes. Conversations may also be recorded for staff training purposes.

Viewing information on public and external websites

We will undertake this processing under a legitimate business interest. As part of our ongoing commitment to understanding our customers and shareholders better, we value the opportunity to see the views and opinions made in relation to our business. We do this by scanning public and external websites, social media sites and related mobile apps to collate comments and opinions which may help us to improve our products and services. The majority of the information collated will be aggregated or anonymous.

Using cookies and IP addresses

By visiting our websites, we may collect your IP address using cookies. Your IP address is a unique identifier for your computer or other access device. We do not use your IP address to identify you. Cookies are used to store small amounts  of information on your device, which allows certain information from your web browser to be collected. We have a legitimate interest to use cookies for certain activities; other cookies will require your explicit consent. For further information in relation to these, please go to our Cookie Declaration.

Processing your data for legal reasons

We will treat your information as private and confidential, but may share it with other group companies and only disclose it outside the group if we are legally obliged to do so or required to do so to satisfy a court order. Examples of this are:

1.       Required by the Police and other law enforcement agencies to investigate or prevent crime.

2.    Required by the authorities when we report on any suspicious activity that could indicate money laundering.

3.    Required to provide information to our industry regulators.

Using your data for direct marketing

With your permission, Vanquis Banking Group or any of its group of companies may contact you by Email, phone, SMS, and post/mail about products and services we feel will be of benefit to you. This permission is collected from you at the time you sign up to any of our services offered on the Website.

You may opt out of receiving this information at any time by calling 01274 351135 or writing to us at Vanquis Banking Group, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford BS1 2SU or selecting Unsubscribe from the Email News service.

How we manage your special categories of personal data

Data Protection legislation defines certain information as special categories (racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, biometric and genetic data). It is highly unlikely that we may be provided with such information as part of your relationship with us. However if we do, we will always ask your explicit consent to process this information (unless we feel the processing is necessary to protect your vital interests). We may share it with other parts of the Vanquis Banking Group and our subcontractors to keep your records up to date.

Third parties using your data for direct marketing

Unless you have given us your consent, we will not provide information about you to other companies outside the Vanquis Banking Group to use for their own marketing purposes.

Your rights

Important please read: You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data. For example you can ask for a copy of your personal data through a Subject Access Request, you can ask for your information to be corrected if it is inaccurate, you can ask for the processing of your data to be restricted whilst we may be resolving an issue, you can ask for your data to be deleted, and you have the right to data portability. See below for further details. If you wish to exercise one of your rights please email,  write to Rights Request Team, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135 and we will review your request and come back to you within 30 days.

Your right to object

You have a right to object to any processing activity where the business states it has a legitimate business need to use your data in the way described. If you need to contact us please email, write to Rights Request Team, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135 and we will review your request and come back to you within 30 days.

Your right to data portability

Data Protection legislation contains a right to data portability that may give you a right, in some data processing contexts, to receive your personal data in a portable format when it is processed on certain grounds, such as consent. If you wish for this limited data to be "ported" to another organisation direct, please contact us at UK and, write to Rights Request Team, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135 and we will review your request and come back to you within 30 days.

Obtaining a copy of your data

You have a right of access to a copy of the personal data we hold about you. Please email, write to the Rights Request Team, Vanquis Banking Group, No 1 Godwin Street, Bradford, BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135 providing as much information as possible to enable us to locate your information. Once we have everything we need to locate your information we will supply this to you within 30 days of this date.

Your right to lodge a complaint with the regulatory authority

We hope that we provide you with the service you expect in relation to how we manage your personal data. Please contact us if there is anything you are concerned about and we will endeavour to address this. If you are still not satisfied then you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner on 0303 123 1113

Who do we share your data with

We use a third party company to help us to manage our website and the services we offer on that website. Examples of where we may employ the services of a third party are:

1.       To help send out electronic, written or voice communications to you, including the Regulatory News (RNS) email alerts.

2.    To provide IT support.

3.    To provide us with software and systems to help manage your account and the activities we need to complete.

Vanquis Banking Group will ensure that it and any third parties whom it engages to process Personal Data on its behalf will process the Personal Data in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. Vanquis Banking Group will ensure that a written contract (a “Data Processor Agreement”) is put in place with third party processors and the terms of that Data Processor Agreement will comply with requirements of the Data Protection legislation.

Linking to other websites

We may link to other websites which are not within our control. Once you have left our website, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Processing your data outside the EEA

We sometimes use third parties based outside the UK and European Economic Area. For example some of our IT administrative activities are supported by third parties based in India and Israel. We will always ensure they will protect your information to UK/EU standards.

If we do transfer information outside of the UK or EEA, we will make sure that it is protected in the same way as if it was being used in the UK or EEA. We’ll use one of these safeguards:

1.       Transfer it to a non-EEA country with privacy laws that give the same protection as the EEA. Learn more on the European Commission Justice website.

2.    Put in place a contract with the recipient that means they must protect it to the same standards as the EEA. Read more about this here on the European Commission Justice website.

Sometimes these organisations may diclose information to foreign authorities in the fight against crime and terrorism where they are legally obliged to do so.

How long do we keep your data for

As a regulated business, we are often required to hold personal data for set periods of time. There may also be certain legal requirements to hold onto data. We have a legitimate business need to keep data for a certain period of time. We operate to an approved set of retention schedules which identify the type of data held and for how long.

If you require details on retention periods for any other type of data held please contact us on email, write to Rights Request Team, 1 Godwin Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2SU, or call 01274 351135.

Changes to this notice

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. This notice was last updated March 2023.