The Outward Bound Trust was established in 1941 and is an educational charity that inspires young people to believe they can achieve more than they thought possible. partnering with schools, colleges, employers and youth groups to teach the most important lesson they could ever learn: to believe in themselves.
At Outward Bound, young people take on adventures, overcome challenges and develop confidence and self-belief. These experiences are life changing.
Supporting Outward Bound Trust
In 2022, our funding for the Outward Bound Trust enabled 68 pupils from Byron Primary School in Gillingham, Kent, an area with high levels of social deprivation, to develop their capabilities and unlock their potential through an Outward Bound course.
The pupils, in their last year of primary school, attended a five-day course at The Trust’s Aberdovey centre, where they had the opportunity to develop teamwork skills, increase their awareness of their own skills and abilities, develop their resilience and connect with others, something that, as well as missed learning due to the pandemic, has been missing from their lives for the past two years.
They went rock climbing, walked up a mountain, scrambled up gorges and enjoyed a campfire where they toasted marshmallows. They were encouraged to try new things that they hadn’t done before, to work together, to support each other and to take responsibility for their team equipment and kit.
After every activity, they reflected on the challenges and celebrated their achievements.
of young people said they learned how to work in a team.
of young people said they learned to listen to other people.
of young people said they learned to look after themselves.
of young people agreed that they had learned not to give up.
“You have provided an incredible life-changing experience. Thank you.”
Jon Carthy Headteacher