Provident Financial plc Annual Report and Financial Statements 2021
Strategic report
To end poverty in all its forms everywhere.
To ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for
To achieve gender equality and empower
all women and girls.
PFG objective
By 2030, we will contribute to ending poverty
in all its forms everywhere, by ensuring our
customers have access to cost-effective and
appropriate products for their needs and
supporting them through financial difficulty.
PFG objective
By 2030, we will contribute to ensuring inclusive
and equitable quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all by
partnering with organisations that will help to
equip children and adults with essential skills
and knowledge that will allow them to excel in
many different directions.
PFG objective
By 2024, we will have 40% female representation
in the Group’s senior management population.
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
Our Purpose to help put people on a path to a
better everyday life is about lending responsibly
and aiding financial inclusion by supporting
the one in five people in the UK who cannot get
access to credit products through mainstream
banks and building societies. We currently do
this by providing our 1.6 million customers in
the UK with credit cards and loans through
our Vanquis business and vehicle finance
through Moneybarn. Through our Social Impact
Programme, we also provide grants to charities
and specialist partners to address issues such
as customer vulnerability, product accessibility
and financial difficulties. To contribute to
this Goal in 2021, the funding we provided
to The Money Charity enabled it to provide
information, advice and guidance to people of
all ages, so that they can manage their money
well and increase their financial wellbeing
by delivering: 332 hours’ worth of financial
education workshops to 7,640 young people;
79 hours’ worth of financial wellbeing, Covid-19
response and bespoke workshops to 675 adults;
and 10 hours’ worth of workshops to 67 young
people impacted by the criminal justice system.
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
We contribute to this SDG through the
education workstream of our PFG Social Impact
Programme which supports children, young
people and adults to boost their education,
skills and aspirations, in order to participate in
society and secure a brighter financial future.
Through our longstanding partnerships with
National Numeracy, the National Literacy Trust
and Leading Children we have supported a
number of programmes which aim to boost
the literacy and numeracy skills of children,
young people and adults. For example, our
funding in 2021 enabled National Numeracy to
deliver its ‘Becoming a Numeracy Champion’
programme which supported approximately
11,000 children, parents and teachers from 19
schools in areas of need across England to
develop the numeracy skills they will need, both
at school and throughout their lives. We have
also continued to provide funding for School-
Home Support practitioners in four schools
across Bradford and Medway who work with
families. During the year, these practitioners
supported 284 individuals which contributed
to achieving an average school attendance
increase of 10.9%.
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
PFG’s senior management population currently
has 27% female representation. The key actions
we undertook throughout 2020 to support
this SDG included: ensuring that there is a
50/50 gender balanced short-list when we
recruit for senior leadership roles across PFG;
continuing to deliver leadership development
programmes to high potential women from
across PFG to help strengthen the female talent
pipeline at the senior/middle management
level; and running colleague-led Peer Circles
to encourage peer support for women in
relation to a range of issues, including on
interview techniques, performance reviews
and menopause support. Through our Social
Impact Programme, we also support projects
which aim to empower women and girls. For
example, this has included in 2021 providing
a grant to the Kurdish and Middle Eastern
Women’s Organisation in North London to
deliver its ‘Breaking Digital and Personal Barriers
to Employment’ project, which works with
women to break down the barriers they face
in achieving their personal goals including low
digital skills, childcare, caring responsibilities,
language, self-esteem, self-worth, low
confidence, and lack of support.
Decent work and
economic growth
To promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all.
To reduce inequality within
and among countries.
Aim of the TCFD recommendations
To support the UK’s transition to a net-zero
economy and take urgent action to tackle
climate change and its impacts.
PFG objective
By 2030, we will contribute to promoting
sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all by creating opportunities for
all generations and protecting and promoting
labour rights in both our business and
supply chains.
PFG objective
By 2030, we will contribute to reducing
inequality by building our capabilities to better
identify, support and empower our stakeholders
who may face inequality and exclusion whether
it is because of their age/sex/gender identity/
they live/what their economic status is.
PFG target
To achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions
by 2040 (which relates to the scope 1, 2 and 3
emissions that arise from PFG’s operations).
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
Many of the activities and initiatives we support
through the PFG Social Impact Programme
continue to contribute to supporting this
SDG and creating opportunities for inclusive
and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for
the communities we serve. In 2021, this has
involved providing grants to Ripe Enterprises
to deliver weekly one-to-one and group digital
skills training with employability support
to people experiencing disadvantage in
Southwark and Lambeth, and Autus to deliver
twice weekly online workshops delivering
digital skills training and employability support
to young autistic people. We also continue to
support and participate in the Social Mobility
Business Partnership, which brings together
large corporate organisations and professional
sports clubs to remove barriers, develop
skills and provide experiences to sixth form
and college students from disadvantaged
backgrounds. The programme helps build
aspirations and inspire the students to pursue
a career in a profession that they may not
have previously considered. During 2021,
PFG colleagues played virtual hosts to 33
Year 11 students and delivered presentations
and workshops on a range of legal and
professional topics to inspire the young people
who attended.
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
To support this SDG, and contribute to reducing
inequality, we have provided funding to a
range of projects through our PFG Social
Impact Programme in 2021. For example, we
provided core costs to Leeds GATE – a Gypsy
and Traveller-led youth project – that aims
to build the skills and confidence of this
extremely marginalised community of young
people through a programme of activities
and one-to-one work and by connecting
them to opportunities. We also supported the
Dadihiye Somali Development Organisation
to deliver one day per week of linguistic and
culturally appropriate debt advice supporting
ethnic minority people (predominantly Somali
women) over a year in Kensington and Chelsea.
In terms of providing an inclusive and secure
workplace at PFG, we have our well-established,
Group-wide Inclusion Community, which
comprises five aligned Affinity Groups focused
on Disability, LGBTQ+, Gender Balance, Ethnicity
and Social Mobility. These groups currently have
125 active and representative members, as well
as an extensive network of Affinity Group allies,
and help to coordinate work across the Group
to celebrate, learn and increase awareness
around an extensive range of inclusion and
diversity-related events, including Pride,
Inclusion Week, Living with Autism and Black
History Month.
FY 2021 highlights and achievements
TCFD is built around four overarching pillars:
governance, risk management, strategy,
and metrics and targets, which in turn
include 11 recommendations to support the
development of meaningful climate-related
financial disclosures. Taken together, these
provide a consistent framework for companies
to report on their exposure to material
elated risks and opportunities, and
a means to communicate decision-useful
information to investors, regulators and other
stakeholders. Set out on pages 68 to 72 is
an update on the progress made by PFG
during 2021 in meeting the recommendations
of the TCFD.